I want you to feel, from the inside out, what it’s like to trust yourself and the people around you…

Individual Coaching

As your 1:1 coach, I walk alongside you as you deepen self-discovery and nurture your relationships. Here's what you can expect:

  • Insights into how your past experiences have influenced your current-day beliefs and behaviors

  • Developing your values to help you live with confidence and loving accountability

  • A compassionate perspective on your attachment strategies, fostering self-love and empathy

  • Building secure attachment with yourself and others through somatic practices

  • Guided meditations to connect with your inner wisdom

  • Working with the unconscious mind to understand your relationship patterns

  • Support in challenging societal norms with compassion and loving justice

  • Email support between sessions

INVESTMENT: $2000 / 3-month coaching package

Coaching for Couples & Polycules

As your couples coach, I help you and your loved ones feel more connected, secure, and hopeful in your relationship. Here's what you can expect:

  • Establishing healthy boundaries that honor both autonomy and connection in your relationship.

  • Better understanding of your loved one's perspectives, fostering empathy and deeper connection

  • Guidance on crafting clear, kind, and genuine relationship agreements

  • Self-soothing and co-regulatory exercises to help manage conflict and intense emotions

  • Practical communication tools such as Imago Dialogue and Gottman scripts

  • An increased ability to connect and effectively resolve conflicts.

  • Email support between sessions

INVESTMENT $3000 / 3-month coaching package

“As someone who has tried several different therapists/coaches, Molly has by far been my favorite. She is friendly, empathetic, and queer/poly friendly. She also does an amazing job at challenging your assumptions and core beliefs in a compassionate way. I had one of the biggest therapeutic breakthroughs of my life working with Molly. As someone who has struggled to articulate my needs and ask for help in relationships, she helped me build the courage and the skills to do this with my current partner, without attachment to the outcome. This is something I will be practicing in all my relationships going forward.”

— DS.


  • Bonobos are humans' closest evolutionary relative, similar to chimpanzees. They are considered the "make love, not war" species because they resolve almost all social tension and conflict through sex. Everyone has sex with everyone: females have sex with females, males have sex with males, and females have sex with males. They're a matriarchal society, empathetic and much less territorial than chimps, and they love to play and have fun. I love the metaphor of bonobos and I can't help but think what a beautiful world we'd live in if we, as a human species, embodied these ways of being. And yes, it's totally anthropomorphizing, but I don't care!

  • I probably get this question the most in consult calls. I see coaching and therapy existing within a Venn diagram. Both can be healing and therapeutic, goal-directed, and encourage self-reflection and self-connection. Some people see therapy as looking at the past and coaching as looking towards the future, but I find this reductive. As a relationship coach I find it impossible to remain solely future-focused when our relational templates were created in our pasts. In coaching we absolutely use clues from our past to gain insights into our current experience and build the futures you want to see. However, we will not spend the majority of our time processing these past experiences.

    Lastly, coaching does not diagnose or directly work to address diagnosed mental health challenges (e.g. clinical depression, schizoaffective disorder, personality disorders, generalized anxiety, etc.) This is not to say that as a coach I don’t work with people who have diagnoes, only that this will not be the focus of our work together. If you're seeing a psychotherapist I would be more than happy to talk with you both to discuss our different "lanes" and make sure everyone feels good about the support you're respectively receiving from us.

    I am deeply committed to an intersectional trauma-informed practice and welcome people into my coaching practice who have vast and varied experiences, including childhood trauma or systemic trauma. If, however, you are looking for trauma resolution, it would be best to find a licensed mental health professional in your state.

  • It’s fundamentally important that we, as coach and client, develop a trusting relationship based on consistency, trust, and commitment. I’ve experimented with a variety of different ways to structure coaching throughout the years, and have found that weekly sessions for a minimum of 3 months is the most effective way to really begin to look at and heal core relationship issues. I’m deeply committed to relational healing and I believe this simply can’t be done holistically with 1-off sessions or less frequency.

  • Yes to both!

    All coaching packages canbe paid in 2or 3 installments, billed monthly from the time of first payment.

    For every 8 full-paying clients, I provide 1 sliding scale spot. I keep a waitlist of folks who need financial assistance. If you’re interested in a sliding scale spot we can discuss this in the discovery call.